
Thursday, April 28, 2011

countdown to nyc

once upon a time, i was engaged to be married and needed someone to vent to. i joined the knot and became really good friends with a bunch of gals getting married around the same time as me. it's been almost 5 years since i joined and i'm still very close to them. 

since the years have passed, many of them have become mommies or looking to become mommies. i thought this would be the perfect time to celebrate our friendship and head to nyc for a final "hurrah" before we're all mommies. the gals and i are headed to nyc at the end of may and i couldn't be more excited.

(Grant V Faint, Photodisc Red, Getty Images)

i'm working on a wardrobe for our trip and love the style put together by scrull on shopstyle. i just ordered the dakin bag for the trip! 30 days and counting.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the royal wedding

friday's the big day for prince william and kate. various vendors on etsy have created items to help us celebrate!!

i'll be attending the royal wedding via cable t.v. at my best-friend heather's house. we've invited a bunch of our best girls over for a costume tea party. how will you be celebrating???

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a home for shoes

last week, i was perusing the blogosphere when i happened to find the blog of jane keltner de valle, fashion news director of teen vogue. her blog the coveteur featured a photo of jane's shoe cubby designed by her architect husband. 

after seeing ms. jane's fabulous cubby, i had a little bit of cubby envy and i went in search of my very own. i came across ikea's expedit (totally did the happy dance)!! for only $199 it's a great way to create a home for your shoes.

(jane keltner de valle)

(ikea's expedit)

Monday, April 25, 2011

etsy finds...

years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to etsy. for the few whom haven't heard of etsy, its a handmade online marketplace. so if you're looking for someone to make your wedding invitations, birthday hats, cookies, sketch, warm fuzzy's your place.

i'm really feeling these bags by crazyboy

Friday, April 22, 2011

happy weekend

i'm excited to get off work early today (in honor of good friday, thank you!). we're looking forward to spending the weekend at the beach and enjoying brunch in laguna. 

i heard the carlsbad flower fields are in full bloom. that would be an amazing place to have an easter egg hunt. 
here's a picture from last year's visit to carlsbad.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

i'm smitten..

in 2007 my husband and i went to rome and paris for our honeymoon and i was head over heels for the pastries. every morning my husband would head over to a lovely bakery and buy fresh croissants. ever since then, i've been quite the purveyor of yummy desserts. 

i've stumbled upon a variation of the infamous rainbow cake and i'm excited to bake this for mother's day. this color scheme is so girly and quaint. thanks to call me cupcake for posting such a delightful cake.

fabulous print dress

recenlty, zoe saldana was featured on instyle's "look of the day". zoe has such a great sense of style. often times  you see print dresses and wonder what the person was thinking, but i think this dress has a great shape and a pleasing design.